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Executive Search Firm Accelerates Its Recruitment On A Global Scale | SourceWhale

Written by Georgie Partington | Feb 7, 2023 12:02:13 PM

Professional and executive search firm Stott and May partner with some of the most disruptive technology-focused businesses in the world, enabling them to find and recruit the talent they need to fuel growth. At a time when the market was recovering but still uncertain and hiring more consultants would have been a risk, the business needed a best-in-class tool to help ramp up its delivery capabilities while still remaining hyper-targeted in its approach.

With offices across London, Reading, Los Angeles and New York, it was important that whatever solution it chose was easy to use and onboard for 100+ consultants around the world. Thanks to SourceWhale, the firm has been able to:

Deliver better candidate and client experiences 

   Save its consultants 7 hours a week 

  Achieve higher job satisfaction


The challenge 

Unaware of SourceWhale, the business tried a different solution first. Although this tool facilitated email sequencing at a basic level, at the time it didn’t:

  • Seamlessly integrate with their existing tech stack
  • Offer the same level of customization for each contact
  • Coordinate outreach across multiple channels

Only solving part of the problem, the business was aware that it wasn’t a complete solution. With usability high on their agenda, they needed a tool that was easy to adopt, worked well with existing tech and achieved quick ROI. That’s where SourceWhale came into play.


The results 

To ensure maximum results across its global team, Stott and May received tailored onboarding over an initial three-month period. Working alongside Bullhorn, LinkedIn and Cube19, SourceWhale now saves the firm’s consultants invaluable time via automatic data syncing and activity tracking within its ATS.

Thanks to SourceWhale, Stott and May’s consultants now have more time to spend on the human aspects of their work leading to higher job satisfaction and business retention for the firm as a whole.


"The team walked us through the differences between SourceWhale and our existing sequencing tool. Straight away it was clear that SourceWhale’s best-in-class technology could help solve the problems we were facing - the team have thought about every eventuality."

- James Canosa, Director