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SourceWhale is the only platform recruiting teams need to execute their daily recruiting activities, find pipeline insights and nurture relationships at scale – all from a single place.

Automating various parts of the recruitment process has proven to significantly enhance productivity and efficiency, giving companies an edge in securing top talent and vacancies from prospective employers. Why? Because automating repetitive tasks streamlines and accelerates existing processes, but more importantly frees up time to refocus on the strategic and human-centric parts of the role that empower businesses to consistently deliver quality recruitment experiences at scale. 

How SourceWhale uses automation 

Imagine a life without manual data entry, activity logging, tracking follow-ups and writing outreach emails step-by-step. All these activities are a huge drain on time and impede a recruiter’s ability to do their job well. With SourceWhale, your team can automate these administrative parts of the recruitment process and focus on the tasks that do require human judgment and expertise like refining strategy, measuring success and scaling best practices.



Headhunting and business development outreach  

Our platform automates outreach for headhunting and business development. Simply define the number of steps you'd like to include in your campaign, pick the channels you'd like to use (e.g. email, InMail, SMS, phone etc.) and use our in-house conversational AI WhaleGPT to create personalized and relevant content that's tailored to the target individual. 




Follow-ups with 100% of prospects

Follow-ups are key to success and lead to 71% of all responses. You can automate follow-ups with 100% of prospects and add as many as you like across various channels - we recommend at least 3-5 outreach steps. Simply define how long you want the platform to wait before sending a follow-up if the target individual doesn’t respond.


Track your replies 

Our platform will automatically stop any scheduled outreach if the prospect replies (though users can turn this setting off if they wish to nurture leads regardless of whether a contact has replied or not). It will also automatically stop any other outreach if a contact is manually marked as replied, interested or not interested within your system of record and if they’ve booked a meeting with another member of your team. 


Use sentiment analysis to automatically categorize email replies 

Our in-house artificial intelligence can determine whether an email response is negative or positive. The system gets smarter with every response and we can even categorize the reasons for a contact coming back as not interested such as:

  • Salary 
  • Location 
  • Skills 
  • Fit
  • Time
  • Industry 
  • Budget 

reply tags


Syncs contact activity with your CRM

It does this exactly the way you want and ensures that all data entry from any sourcing or business development outreach sent is also logged against each candidate or contact. Our platform creates new contacts and candidates within your CRM/ATS and can determine if they already exist in the database, to avoid creating duplicates. 

SourceWhale will also record any outreach sent to the contact via the platform, as well as any email replies and conversations after the contact replies to the initial outreach. In addition, you can determine which fields will be populated and updated within each contact or candidate page such as hotlists, distribution lists, jobs, functional expertise and much more. Your team will no longer need to worry about clean data entry!


Schedules your manual tasks in your to-do list

SourceWhale sends an automated task list every morning to remind you what you have to do each day. The system can remember your task list for you, saving huge amounts of time and maximizes productivity by empowering your team to focus on completing their daily activities and prioritizing compiling targeted and well-researched lists of prospects to reach out to to improve open and reply rates.



If you would like to learn more about how SourceWhale uses automation, get in contact with a member of our pod today.


Georgie Partington
Post by Georgie Partington
Jun 7, 2023 10:05:31 AM