Let's have a chat

SourceWhale is the only platform recruiting teams need to execute their daily recruiting activities, find pipeline insights and nurture relationships at scale – all from a single place.

We're pleased to spotlight Kevin Kirkpatrick, Founder & CEO of Avery Professional Group. Kevin went from being a one-man band to a team of five in just six weeks of using our platform! 




Using SourceWhale, Kevin can:

  • Run a good volume of searches and receive a good volume of candidates! 
  • Get the most out of his time by automating and accelerating existing processes.
  • Reach out to candidates with a more targeted and tailored approach to drive better engagement. 
  • Build structured outreach campaigns across multiple channels to incite action - target candidate takes on average 3-4 touch points to respond.  
  • Utilize reports to inform and educate clients using key metrics e.g. how many candidates have been reached out to, how many have responded etc.


“Up until about six weeks ago, I was a one-man band. I'm now five people and a lot of that's because we've got a good volume of searches and a good volume of candidates. By using this tool, it's allowed me to get the most out of my time.” 


Thank you, Kevin, for sharing your success with us. We love hearing from our customers about how SourceWhale has helped revolutionize existing processes to drive better engagement, more meetings and higher revenue.


Case study
Georgie Partington
Post by Georgie Partington
Dec 19, 2023 10:27:38 AM