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Personalization has been great in elevating the candidate and client experience. But when we’re living in a world with excess information and constant stimulation, teams need to continuously step up their recruitment game if they wish to stand out. It’s no longer a question of personalized or not, it’s now a matter of how your team can take it to a much higher level to ensure results. 


What is hyper-personalization?

Hyper-personalization is about reaching out to the right people, at the right moment and with the right message. It’s more than using a first name or location variable. It’s about digging deep for golden nuggets of information about your prospect to help boost your engagement. Take a look at the below: 

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It doesn’t exactly make you feel special, does it? In fact, although it’s personalized it has a mass mail feel to it. It doesn’t provide a hook or a compelling reason to respond and is probably very similar to all the other cold emails you receive weekly. Now check out this alternative: 

Screenshot 2022-11-02 at 15.40.14

In this second example, the email feels more meaningful. It has included a personal touch and a common interest and as a result, it feels more unique to the target individual. It has also personalized the subject line as that's the first part people see in their inbox. It’s the white glove treatment that contacts expect and appreciate as they move through their own end-to-end journey. Of course, hyper-personalization doesn’t just stop at the type of content you use. Maintaining that personal level of engagement throughout each step of your communications is a must. 

What are the benefits of hyper-personalizing your outreach?

Rehearsed messages with zero follow-ups just don’t cut it anymore. Nowadays people have a very low threshold for this type of content and can usually see right through a quantity, not quality approach. If you dig a little deeper and use real-time information that is personal to your target individual it comes with many benefits, such as: 

  • Humanizing the process

Contacts can often feel like they are just a number due to a blanket one-size-fits-all approach. If you take the time to hyper-personalize your outreach by adding that extra granular detail tailored to your target individual, you inject the human element back into your existing processes. 

  • Ensuring you stand out 

Hyper-personalizing your outreach is an easy, cost-effective way to impress prospects. You can also leverage A/B testing to trial what messaging works and gets the most engagement so that you can refine and scale your approach. 

  • Better experiences 

Improved candidate and client experiences are a must if you want to stand out from your competitors. If you’re wondering how you can elevate yours further, hyper-personalization is a quick and easy way to do that. It’s also easy to teach, implement and scale. 

  • Improves response rate 

Writing a personalized sentence in each message increases the reply rate from an average of 18% to 34.5%. More replies mean more conversations and ultimately, more business. It also helps to improve team morale, as there’s nothing more demoralizing than getting low engagement from your outreach. 

  • Improved employer brand 

It’s no secret that news travels fast. If you are providing great experiences then you are more likely to garner referrals and create brand ambassadors.  

  • Higher revenue 

Hyper-personalization can help to increase your revenue, due to all of the benefits stated above. It can really help to bolster your brand, bring in more business and boost your candidate and client engagement. 

Georgie Partington
Post by Georgie Partington
Nov 3, 2022 1:22:36 PM